Areas of Expertise
- Project Management
- Governance
- Public Relation
Academic / Professional Qualifications
- Diploma in Agriculture at Kolej Pertanian Serdang, Selangor
- Diploma of Counselling Universiti Utara Malaysia
- MII Diploma in Business Insurance Life Underwriter Training Council USA
- Professional Certificate of Product Analysis and Technical Aspects, MCIS
- Professional Certificate of Systematic Selling Skills, MCIS
Membership of Board Committees
- Chairman, Board Risk Committee
- Member, Board Strategic and Sustainability Committee
Present Directorship(s) and/or Appointment(s)
- Committee Pemadam, Daerah Kuala Muda
- Chairman for Persatuan SAYANG Sungai Petani
Past Directorship(s) and/or Appointment(s)
- Chairman of Teachers and Parents Association for Sekolah Menengah Convent Father Barre
- Deputy Chairman of Teachers and Parents Association for Sekolah Menengah Teknik
- Chairman for Voluntary of Al-Falah and Yayasan Salam (Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah)
- Treasurer for Majlis Pembangunan Wanita dan Keluarga Parlimen Sungai Petani
- Deputy Chairman of Welfare and Charity Association Kg Sintok Bugis Kota Kuala Muda
- Secretary for UMNO Branch Kg S. Bugis K. Kuala Muda
- Committee Manager for Bait Al-Amin Orphanage and the Poor Parit, Perak
- Vice Chairman for Pertubuhan Komuniti POLICTERA Malaysia
- Co-Founder of Al-Falah Old Folks Home Sungai Petani
- Vice President Ibrahim Old Boys Association (TOBA)
- Anugerah Pingat Jasa Kebaktian Negeri Kedah (PJK)
- Anugerah Ahli Diraja Perak
- Anugerah Dato Paduka Mahkota Diraja Perak (DPMP)
- Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang Jabatan Pertanian
- Anugerah Fasilitator Cemerlang Biro Tata Negara Jabatan Perdana Menteri
- MCIS Zurich Insurance Unit Manager
- Gold Direct Distributor (DD) AMWAY Malaysia
- Achiever of MCIS Million Dollar Club (MDC)
- Advisor for Institute Technology of Spectrum (MLVK)